Tài liệu ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 (Hệ 7 năm) - Trường THCS Tân Phước

1.How about ______ lunch with us on Sunday ? 

A.to have         B.have                          C.have had                   D.having

2.I suggest  ______ A shortcut through the park .It’ll take much less time 

A.to take          B.take                           C. taking          D.is taking 

3.If you don’t pay the bill within two week , electricity will be _________..

A.turn off   .                 B.come off                   C.cut off                       D.take off 

4. We’re very worried ______ spending lots of money on energy in our home .     

A.about                         B.with                           C.to                               D.on

5.The villagers are interested in  ______ Natural resources but they don’t know how to do so 

A.to conserve              B.conserve                   C.conserving                D.conserved

6.The girl was not pretty but she sang  ______.

A.beauty          B.more beautiful       C.beautiful        D.beautifully

7.Check the faucets for dripping water  ______ you will have to pay an enormous water bill.

A.although                   B.or                               C.because        D.however

doc 12 trang Sỹ Ðan 03/04/2023 5460
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Nội dung text: Tài liệu ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 (Hệ 7 năm) - Trường THCS Tân Phước

  1. Tan Phuoc Secondary School Teacher: Lê Thị Trong 86. Let’s ___ to the cinema A. going B. to go C. go D. goes 87. We will go ___a picnic next week A. in B. at C. on D. to 88. The people_ ___live in Viet nam speak Vietnamese. A. which B. whom C. who D. when 89. Do you know the man___you met yesterday? A. when B. who C. which D. whose 90. She studies well___she is busy. A. because B. since C. although D. and 91. The car___he has just bought is made in England. A. who B. whom C. which D. whose 92. I am preparing for the picnic___my friends tomorrow A. at B. to C. in D. with 93. It snowed in Lang Son___the winter___2002 A. in / of B. in / in C. at / for D. for / at 94. Neil Armstrong, ___walked on the moon, lived in the USA. A. which B. whom C. who D. that 95. I want everybody to listen ___ . A. care B. careful C. careless D. carefully 96. I’m looking ___to hearing from you. A. at B. after C. over D. forward 97. You should clear ___all the trash on ground before living. A. over B. out C. off D. up 98. Who looks ___your children when you are away from home? A. for B. at C. after D. to 99. People ___ take physical exercise can live longer. A. who B. whom C. which D. when 100. She is the most intelligent woman___ I’ve ever met. A. whom B. who C. whose D. that 101. I recently went back to Paris, ___ I was born nearly 40 years ago. A. which B. where C. that D. when 102. The man ___ your mother is talking to is my English teacher. A. which B. whom C. when D. who 103. Tet is a Vietnamese festival ___ takes place in late January and February. A. which B. who C. when D. whose 104. The little girl ___ is wearing the red dress sings beautifully. A. which B. who C. when D. whom - 6 -
  2. Tan Phuoc Secondary School Teacher: Lê Thị Trong 13.Lan is very sleepy but she tries to finish her homework) - Though 14.We lived in grandfather’s old house . I told you about it . - We lived 15 Ba lives on Trang Tien Street . He likes playing the guitar . - Ba 16 Mount Pinatubo erupted in 1991.It is a volcano in the Philippines. - Mount Pinatubo 17. The student writes well. I’ve read her composition. - The student 18. the house is so large, so they can’t paint in a week. - If 19. Shall we go to the cinema tonight? - What about 20. There are some words. They are very difficult to translate. - There are EXERCISE 3: Find out the mistakes : 1. I suggested that you writing to them to accept their offer. A B C D 2. If we pollute the water, we don’t have fresh water to use A B C D 3. Kangaroos, that can be seen everywhere in Australia, have long tails. A B C D 4. Even though Mary is a European, but she enjoys Tet holiday in Vietnam. A B C D 5. If there will be too much exhaust fume in the air, our breathing will be badly affected. A B C D 6. we suggest to plant more trees along the streets to have more shades and fresh air. A B C D 7. Our neighbor will look for the garden when we go on holiday. A B C D 8. The children laughed happy when they heard the funny story. A B C D 9. If I was in your place, I will make a trip to England. A B C D 10 . Mary's mother gave her a new hat at her birthday. - 8 -
  3. Tan Phuoc Secondary School Teacher: Lê Thị Trong Are you looking for a cheap, clean, effective source of power that doesn’t cause(1) or waste natural resources? Look no further than solar energy from the (2) . .At present, most of our (3) comes from the use of coal, gas, oil ( 4 ) nuclear power. This power could be provided by the Sun. One percent of the solar energy that reaches the Earth is enough to provide power for the total . 1.A. pollute B. pollutes C. polluted D. pollution 2.A. Moon B. Sun C. Earth D. Mars 3.A. energy B. electricity C. solar D. Tv 4.A . or B. and C. but D. so READ 4 There are about 3000 living languages in the world, but only six of them are the most important ones. Two-thirds of the world’s population speaks those languages. More than 400 million people speak English as their mother tongue. Another 400 million speak it as a second language. No one knows how many people speak it as a foreign language. Chinese is the language with more speakers than English, but it is only the language for more than one billion Chinese people. English is the official language on one-fifth of the land area in the world. It is spoken in North America, Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand. In South Africa and India it is one of the official languages. In many countries, the textbooks in universities are written in English. More than three-fourths of the world’s mail is composed in English. More than three-fifths of the radio stations broadcast programs in English. More than half of the scientific and research journals are in English. English is the language of international communication. 1. About % of the world’s population speak the six major languages. A. two-thirds B. one-third C. three-fourths D. two-fourths 2. It’s to know how many people use English as a foreign language. A. easy B. impossible C. interesting D. difficult 3. More than three-fifths of the world’s are in English. A. research journals B. textbooks C. radio stations D. mail 4. In India, English is language. A. a foreign B. the official C. a second D. an international 5. Chinese than English. A. has more speakers B. has fewer speakers C. is more important D. is more popular READ 5 In Western countries, electricity, gas, and water are not luxuries but necessities. Companies now realize that consumers want products that will not only work effectively, but also save money. For most North American households, lighting accounts for 10 percent to 15 percent of the electricity bill. However, this amount can be reduced by replacing an ordinary 100 - watt light bulb with an - 10 -
  4. Tan Phuoc Secondary School Teacher: Lê Thị Trong EXERCISE 5: Choose the word whose primary stress is pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. destroy B. damage C. discuss D. describe 2. A. funnel B. tornado C. experience D. predict 3. A. appliance B. categogy C. efficiency D. necessity 4. A. environment B. earthquake C. weather D. thunderstorm 5. A. generous B. humorous C. separate D. considerate 6. A. joyful B. control C. typhoon D. occur 7. A. charity B. terrific C. minority D. priority 8. A .considerate B. decorate C. environment D. priority 9. A. energy B. enormous C. expensive D. reduce 10. A. replace B. suggest C. plumber D.control 11. A. nomination B. priority C. considerate D. environment 12. A. billion B. quality C. equipment D. national 13. A. follow B. defeat C. award D. commit 14. a. dynamite B. appliance C. pesticide D. junkyard 15. A. consumer B. environment C. electricity D. pollution 16. A.pesticide B. pollution C. environment D. appliance EXERCISE 6: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. pollution B. solar C. poem D. folk 2. A. celebrate B. considerate C. nominate D. congratulate 3. A. decorate B. dangerous C. nature D. natural 4. A. highlands B. experience C. tradition D. nomination 5. A. earthquake B. thunderstorm C. gather D. ethnic 6. A. receive B. replace C. regularly D. reduce 7. A. consumer B. use C. plumber D. reduce 8. A. sunny B. thunderstorm C. trust D. occur 9. A. proud B. around C. although D. about 10. A. studied B. wanted C. decided D. needed 11. A. behaved B. composed C. installed D. provided 12. A. realise B. devise C. surprise D. promise 13. A. Christmas B. birthday C. festival D. sticky 14. a. plumber b. bulb c. building d. bill 15. A. weather B. earthquake C. anything D. birthday 16. A. erupt B. humor C. UFO D. communicate - 12 -