Kỳ thi tuyển sinh vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh (Chuyên) - Sở GD&ĐT Đồng Tháp (Có đáp án)

(Bản scan)

1. What does the man usually do on Mondays and Wednesdays?
A. He runs. B. [le plays tennis.
€, He docs aerobics. D. He walks.
2. Before he goes out to exercise, he +
A,. does push-ups B. cats breakfast
€. listens to music D. strctchcs
3. The man lifts weights to — sự
A, improve his endurance B. strengthen his muscles
C. increase his flexibility D. run faster
4. Why does the man go hiking on Saturdays?
Á. To get rid of his worries from the week B. To bum off weight from overcating
Œ. To visit a Íriend D. To cnjoy nature
5. What does the man do on Sundays?
A. He goes swimming. B. Hc jogs with his dog.
€Œ. He øoes for a walk. D. He relaxcs and watchcs TV.

pdf 16 trang Sỹ Ðan 01/04/2023 2680
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  • pdfky_thi_tuyen_sinh_vao_lop_10_mon_tieng_anh_chuyen_so_gddt_do.pdf