Kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi THCS cấp tỉnh môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Sở GD&ĐT Đồng Tháp (Có hướng dẫn chấm)

(Bản scan)

Birth of the Movies

Did you know that cinema is more than 100 years old? Moving pictures (0)
invented by the brothers Louis and Auguste Lumière. The first showing of a moving picture or
“movie” (1) place in a cinema in Paris on 28° December 1895. On that day, the Lumière
brothers showed movies (2} their newly-invented machine, called the Cinematographe.
The audience saw a funny ÑñÌm in (3) —  a gardener spilt a lot water on (4) by accident.
Everyone really loved it!

Cinema very (5) became popular all over the world. In 1970, the first film studios
were built in a (6) of£Los Angeles called Hollywood. (7) the 1920s, Hollywood had
become the centre of the world film (8) . To begin with, the movies had no sound. Words
(9) __ on the screen from tỉme to time to (10) the story.

0. À. Were B. đi C. had D. got

1. A. found B. took C. went D. gave
2. A. doing B. making C. setting D. using
3. A. where B. who C. whích D. what
4. A. yourself B. himself C. themselves D. itself
§. A. quickly B.immediatedly  C. fast D. early
6. A. place B.site C. location D. district
7. A.To B.At C. For D. By

8. A. industry B. company C. trade D. ñm
9. A. developed B. happened C. appeared D. displayed
10. A.prove B. explain C. direct D. advise

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