Kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi Quốc gia THPT môn Tiếng Anh

(Bản scan)

Part 4: For questions 21-25, listen to a radio interview with a psychologist about friendship and
choose the best answer (A, B, C or DJ according to what you hear. Write your answers Ín the
corresponding numbered boxes.
21. According to the presenter,
A. _ new books are being written to teach people how to manage friendships.
B. ifs almost impossible to keep childhood friends for life.
C. themost important friends are chitdhood friends.
D._ we have to adjust our friendships as our lives change.
22. Barbara warns that foul-weather friends
A. _ never want you to be happier than they are.
B.. can spoil the times when you are feeling good about life.
C. engineer bad situations so that they can feel superior.
D. have their life perfectly organized.
23. The danger of trophy friend is that
A. _ you may be put in a serious mood.
B.._ you may develop unrealistic expectations.
C._ heor she will push you to get a higher achievement that you don't want.
D._ heor she will inhibit your social life.
24. A sisterly friend
A. _ will want tơ go out on dates with you and your new partner.
B. wil be as close to your farnily as she is to yOU.
C. can be relied on bụt may be too involved in your life.
D._ can resent other close friendships in your life.
25. When making new friends,
A. be sensitive to their need for space.
B8. try to be as funny as you Can.
C._ dont mention serious issues before you have got to know them well.
D._ dontexpend too mụch of your time and energy.

pdf 16 trang Sỹ Ðan 30/03/2023 2540
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