Kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi Lớp 9 cấp tỉnh môn Tiếng Anh - Sở GD&ĐT Đồng Tháp (Có đáp án)

(Bản scan)

1.1 suggest we outside the cinema tomorrow at 8:30 p.m..
A. met B. mccting €. meet D. will meet
2. l† was announced that neither the passengers nor the driver in the crash.
A. was injured B. injured C. were injured D. had injured
3. His house is miỉne.
A. twice as big as B. as twice big as
C. as two tỉmes bịg as D. as big as twice
4. Don”t worry. He°lÌ do the job as as possible.
Á. economizing B. economic €. economical D. economically
5. In 1849, Walter Hunt, American inventor, patented a design that served as the basis for
modem safety pins.
A.an B. he was an C. who D. was an
6. Ít is very important for a company to keep the changes in the market.
A. pace of B. track about €. toụch with D.upwith
7. [ï won°t change my mind whal you say.
A. whether B. no matter €. because D. although
8. You to your teacher like that. Ít was very rude,
A. shouldn”t talk B. mustnˆt talk
C. shouldnt have talked D. mustn”t have talked
9. The clown was wearing a 'wig and a red nose.
A. funny plastic red B. fñunny red plastic
C. red plastic funny D. red funny plastic
10. The firc to have started in the furnace under the house.
A. is believed B. that is believed C. thcy belicvcd D. that they belicvc

pdf 21 trang Sỹ Ðan 31/03/2023 4840
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