Kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Sở GD&ĐT Đồng Tháp (Có hướng dẫn chấm)

(Bản scan)

Part I: You will hear a woman called Suzie and a man called ŒGus talking about their
twenties. Listen to the recording twưice. Decide iƒ each seHtence is true (T), false (F), or no
inforrmation (ND. WTite your answers on the ansuer sheet,
1. Gus graduated from university 10 years ago.
2. Suzie”s friends changed careers several times in their twenties.
3. Suzie regrets working as a waitress.
4. Gus found it difficult to make changes to his lifestyle after university.
5. They agree that it can be necessary to help each other.
6. Gus and Suzie used to get upset about little or silly things.
Part 2: Lien to a student called Jessica talking about how a cruise shỈp uses wdfer fMice.
Choose the correct ansMer A, B, or C. Hrife your answers on the answer sheet.
7. Jessica talked about the Ocean Star on her project because it_ —_.
A. had so many people on board B. was a good model of using water
C. used so little water every day
8. What uses the most water on cruise ships?
A. baths and showers B. drinks €. cooling food
9. The showers worked cfficiently because -
A, the shower heads had more holes B. the water came out so fast
C. there was a time limit on them
10. The best thing about the swimming pool water was .
A. that Ít was casy to keep clean B. that it was mostÌy sea water
C. that it điđnˆt need dangerous products
11. The water ftom the cooling system was used for .
A. watering plants B. washing towels C. cleaning the rooms
12. Data collected by Ocean Star was sent to .
A. universities B. environmental groups C. local governments

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