Kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh Lớp 12 THPT môn Tiếng Anh - Sở GD&ĐT Đồng Tháp (Có đáp án)

(Bản scan)

Question 14: You hear a man talking on the radio about a bag made for use on walking trips.
How does thís new bag differ fom others?
A. You can take of the rain cover. B. It has pockets on the side.
C. Ï\ is very cheap. D. There are some extra Íeatures.
Question 15: On the radio, you hear a man discussing a cartoon film about dinosaurs.
What aspect oƒ the film disappointed him?
A, the design of the backgrounds B. the quality of the sound effects
C. the size of the đinosaurs D. the contents of the film
Question 16: You overhear a couple talking about keeping fit.
What do they agree about?
A. the dangers oftoo much exercise B. the ways people follow to keep ft
C. the benefits of joining a gym D. the need to be more active
Question 17: In a radio play, you hear a woman talking on the phone to a friend.
Where does the woman want her Ġiend to meet her?
A. in a shop B. at the bank €.ata supermarket  D.on the beach
Question 18: You hear a student talking to hỉs friend about a meeting with his tutor.
What was the student 's pưrpose in meeting hỉs tutor?
A. to ask for financial assistance
B. to tell about the difficulty of the course
C. to see if there was a part-time job available
D. to request more time to complete coursework

pdf 19 trang Sỹ Ðan 01/04/2023 4400
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