Kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh Khối 12 THPT môn Địa lí - Sở GD&ĐT Đồng Tháp (Có đáp án)

(Bản scan)

1. The boy was................. with a family in the countryside.
A. reared B. bred C, brought up D. grown up
2. Jane came................ a beautiful picture when she was tidying the room.
Á. aCroSS B. round C. into D. past
3. Until she was arrested last week, the young woman thought she had .......... the perfect crime.
A. commitied B. escaped C. got away D. charged
4................. it not been for the intolerable heat in the hall, they would have stayed much longer.
A. B. But €. Should D. Had
5%, The ball.................. two or three times before rolling down the road.
A. sprang B. bounced C. leap D. hopped
6. The................. of the pagoda in the water was vcry clear and beautiful.
A. sight B. shadow C. reflection D. mirror
7. When Ï came, the salesperson Was................. to the customers how to use a new kind of
'washing machines.
A. demonstraing B. proving C. exposing D. teaching
8. Do you think Ms. Brown will................. for Parliament ín the next clection?
A.sit B.run C. walk D. stand

pdf 17 trang Sỹ Ðan 01/04/2023 4520
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