Kỳ thi chọn đội tuyển học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh dự thi cấp Quốc gia - Sở GD&ĐT Đồng Tháp (Có đáp án)
(Bản scan)
11. (Question 1) What is thís conversation mostly about?
A. How to become a good journalist
B. Registering for courses and complcting the nccessary rcquirements [or n major
C. Sccuring a Job at a university
D. Haw to take proper notcs during a lecture
L2. (Question 2) Wlhy is it better that the student take another science class?
A. The studcnt wants to be a sciencc major.
B. The professor likcs scicncc.
€. The student đoes not have (o take mass conimunication.
D, The student necds two scicncc classcs ín order t0 mcct the groduation requirement.
13. (Question 3) What can be inferrcd from the conversation?
A.ltis a good idea to keep your end goal in mìnd whien repistcring for classes,
B. )ournafism ís tlic best choice öF majors ín collcge.
C. Professors are not very good at advising suudents.
Ð. Sclenee classes should always be 1aken first.
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