Kỳ thi chọn đội tuyển học sinh giỏi dự thi cấp Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh - Sở GD&ĐT Đồng Tháp (Có hướng dẫn chấm)

(Bản scan)

Part 3. Vou will hear a talk between two conservationists, Bob and Carrie, about plans for the future
of ancient monuments. Listen carcfully and answer questions 12 to 17. Write your answer in the
boxes provided on the answer sheet. Vou will listen twiee.
12. What does Bob say about building visitor centres near ancient monuments like Stonehenge?
A. Facilities like these arc essential for encouraging tourism.
B. IẺs đifficult to find architects willing to take on projects like these.
C. Finding the right design for centres like these is problematic.
D. The cost of building projects like these is incredibly high.
13. What suggcstion does Carrie make regarding Stonehenge?
A. Existing visitor facilities should be updated.
B. The standing stones should be removed from the site.
C. There should be a maximum number of visitors allowed.
l D. The site should go back to how it looked in the past.
14. Bob feels that Carrie"s plan for Stonehenge .
: A. would not be cnvironmentally friendly B. would resuit in a huge loss of income
C. might be popular with the authorities D. might lead to an increase in tourism

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