Kiểm tra học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Sở GD&ĐT Đồng Tháp (Có đáp án)

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Question Š: The government should enact new laws to save endangered species.
A. New laws should enact to save endangered species by the government.
B. New laws are cnacted to save endangered species by the government.
C, New laws should be enacting to save endangered species by the government.
D. New laws should be enacted to save endangered species by the government.
Question 6: The last time Vietnam hosted Sea Games was ffteen years ago.
A. It was fifteen years ago that Vietnam didn't host Sea Games.
B. Sea Games weren”t hosted by Vietnam fifteen years ago.
C. Vietnam hasn°t hosted Sea Games for fifteen years.
D. Vietnam has hosted several Sea Games in the last fifteen years.
Question 7: Ï think romance books aren°t as interesting as science fiction books.
A. I think science fiction books aren°t as interesting as romance books.
B. I think romance books are more interesting than science fiction books.
C, I think sclence fiction books are more interesting than romance books.
D. Ï think science fiction books aren”t more interesting than romance books.

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