Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 23

1.If you stand on the table, it………………….

  1. will collapse     B. would collapse            C. collapses           D. collapse

2.Unless I …………..a quiet room, I won’t be able to work.

  1. will have           B. would  have                 C. have                   D. has  

3. If I find your passport, I …….you at once.

A.will phone          B. could phone                 C. phone                 D. phoned

4. Some one  ……………….your car if you leave it unlocked.

A. will steal           B. would steal                  C. stole                   D. steal

5. Should  she ………………. a radio, she can borrow ………….mine.

          A.will need            B. would need                  C. needs                 D. need

6. Trees won’t grow …………….there is enough water 

          A.if                         B. when                            C. unless                D. because 

7.  If someone ………….. into the class, we must stand up and greet them.

          A.come                   B. comes                          C. will come          D. came

8. ……………… busy, I will go swimming with you.

          A. I am not             B. Unless I am                  C. Should I be        D. If I were

9. Unless you wash the car, you _____ not drive it at the weekend.

A. would                B. could                            C. have to                         D. may

doc 4 trang Sỹ Ðan 29/03/2023 3200
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