Đề cương ôn thi học sinh giỏi Tiếng Anh Lớp 7

1. The present simple tense (Thì hiện tại đơn) 
a. Form 
* Tobe: is, am, are 
(+) S + is/ am/ are + O/ N. 
(-) S + isn't/ am not/ aren't + O/ N. 
(?) Is/ Are + S + O/ N ? 
Yes, S + is/ am/ are. 
No, S + isn't/ aren't/ am not. 
Ex. She (be) is twelve years old. 
Ex. I (not be) am not in Dong Truc. 
Ex. Is she (be) twelve years old? 
Yes, she (be) is. 
*Nomal verb (động từ thƣờng): 
(+) S + V(s, es) + O 
Ex.He ( live) lives in Can Kiem. 
They (live) live in Can Kiem. 
(-) S + don't/ doesn't + V + O 
Ex.He ( not live) doesn't live in Binh Phu. 
They (not live) don't live in Can Kiem.
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  1. How many + noun-s/ noun-es + are there ? There is + a/ an/ one + singular noun. There are + số lƣợng + plural noun-s/ es. Ex: How many people are there in your family? There are five people. b. How much: Dùng trước danh từ không đếm được. Cấu trúc cơ bản: How much + non - count noun + is there .? + do/ does/ did + V + O? There is + some + non - count noun. S + V + SL + Ex: How much water do you drink everyday? Two liters. * Ngoài ra how much còn thƣờng đƣợc dùng khi hỏi giá cả Ex: How much does that shirt? - 50.000 dong. 2. A, an, some, any a. a và an (một) A và an đƣợc dùng cho danh từ số ít đếm đƣợc. A đứng trƣớc phụ âm, an đứng trƣớc nguyên âm (tính theo cách phát âm chứ không phải cách viết) a cat, a house, an ocean, an hour. b. some và any (một vài, một ít) - some đƣợc dùng cho các danh từ không đếm đƣợc hoặc đếm đƣợc số nhiều ở trong câu khẳng định. Ex: There is some water. There are some books on the desk. - any đƣợc dùng cho các danh từ không đếm đƣợc hoặc đếm đƣợc số nhiều ở trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi. Ex: There isn't any food. Are there any chairs in the room? ◙ UNIT 6: Passive voice (Câu bị động) 1. Cách dùng:Trong Tiếng Anh ngƣời ta rất hay dùng câu bị động. Trong câu bị động, chủ ngữ nhận tác động của hành động. Câu bị động đƣợc dùng khi muốn nhấn mạnh đến đối tƣợng chịu tác động chịu tác động của hành động. Nếu trong câu có 2 tân ngữ, nếu muốn nhấn mạnh tân ngữ nào thì đƣa tân ngữ đó lên làm chủ ngữ, thƣờng chủ ngữ hợp lý của câu bị động sẽ là tân ngữ gián tiếp.
  2. UNIT 7 TRAFFIC 1. IT indicating distance Sử dụng “it” làm chủ ngữ để chỉ khoảng cách Ex: It is about 300 meters from my house to the bus stop. 2. Used to Sử dụng “used to” để mô tả một hành động, một thói quen hoặc một việc xảy ra thƣờng xuyên trong quá khứ nhƣng bây giờ không còn nữa (+) S + used to + V (nguyên mẫu) (-) S+ did not used to + V (nguyên mẫu) (?) Did + S + use to + V (nguyên mẫu) 3. Pronunciation/e/ và/ei/ Lƣu ý Say/sei/ Says/sez/ Said/sed/ UNIT 8 FILMS 1. Tính từ “ed” và “ing” Một tính từ có thể đƣợc thành lập bằng cách thêm “ed” hoặc “ing” sau động từ Ví dụ Interest -> interested, interesting Disappoint -> disappointed, disappointing - Sử dụng tính từ đuôi “ed” để mô tả cảm giác, cảm xúc của một ai khi bị một sự việc, vật tác động/ Ví dụ: The film was long, and I was bored. (Bộ phim tác động làm tôi có cảm giác buồn chán) - Sử dụng tính từ đuôi “ing” để mô tả về tính chất của vật việc Ví dụ The film was boring. 2. Từ nối ALTHOUGH, DESPITE/INSPITE OF, HOWEVER, NEVERTHELESS Mặc dù Although/ though/ even though/ much as + mệnh đề Despite/ in spite of + cụm danh từ Tuy nhiên Mệnh đề. However/ Nevertheless,(dấu phẩy) mệnh đề 3. Phát âm khi thêm “ed” sau động từ /t/ sau các âm vô thanh /ʧ/,/s/,/k/,/f/,/p/,/θ/,/∫/ /d/ sau các âm hữu thanh /id/ sau/t/,/d/
  3. 2. Bị động của thì tƣơng lai đơn (+)S + will be+ Vpp (-) S+ won’t be + Vpp (?) Will + S + be Vpp? - Sử dụng thể bị động khi tân ngữ của câu không quan trọng hoặc không biết ai là người thực hiện hành động, nếu người thực hiện vẫn quan trong thì thêm sau “by” - Sử dụng thể bị động khi muốn nhấn mạnh vật, việc được tác động. 3. Pronunciation 3 syllables UNIT 11: TRAVELLING IN THE FUTURE 1. Will (review) Sử dụng will để đƣa ra một dự đoán trong tƣơng lai. 2. Đại từ sỡ hữu Subject I YOU WE THEY HE SHE IT Pronouns Possessive MY YOUR OUR THEIR HIS HER ITS Adjectives Possessive MINE YOURS OURS THEIRS HIS HERS ITS Pronouns Đại từ sở hữu dùng để thay thế cho tính từ sở hữu và danh từ khi không muốn lặp lại danh từ. Ex: It’s my book ===> It’ s mine. (= my book) They' re her keys ===> They' re hers. (= her keys) Nhƣ vậy ta phải nói danh từ đó trƣớc rồi mới thay thế. Lưu ý, vì đại từ sở hữu đã thay thế danh từ nên sẽ không bao giờ có danh từ sau đại từ sở hữu. Ex: My father is tall. Theirs (= their father) is short. 2. Ngữ điệu trong câu hỏi Câu hỏi Yes/ No: Lên giọng ở cuối câu. Câu hỏi H/ WH: hạ giọng ở cuối câu. Câu hỏi đuôi: hạ giọng cuối câu đề tìm kiếm sự đồng tình Lên giọng ở cuối câu để hỏi UNIT 12 AN OVERCROWDED WORLD 1. So sánh số lƣợng: Little -> less Few -> Fewer Many ,much -> more Số lƣợng Ít hơn: S+ V+ less + N (không đếm được) S+ V+ fewer + N (đếm được) Số lƣợng nhiều hơn:
  4. 5. NGUYÊN TẮC 5: HẬU TỐ. Các từ chứa các hậu tố sau đây âm nhấn rơi vào âm trƣớc nó. ® Democracy 1. ic ® Economic 8. acy ® Musician 2. ical ® Economical 9. ian ® Stupid 3. sion ® Succession 10. id ® Possible 4. tion ® Suggestion 11. ible ® Foolish 5. aphy ® Photography 12. ish ® Confidential 6. ogy ® Biology 13. tial ® hilarious 7. ity ® Able -> ability 14. ious LƢU Ý Lƣu ý 1: các hậu tố không ảnh hƣởng đến Lƣu ý 2: các hậu tố nhấn trọng âm âm nhấn của từ: 1. Ain 1. Able 2. Oo 2. Ly 3. Ee 3. Less 4. Eer 4. Ing 5. Ese 5. D 6. Ette 6. En 7. Esque 7. Ment 8. End 8. Full 9. Ique 10. Mental Practice I. Choose the best answer by circling A, B, C or D: 1. - “What would you like to drink now?” - “___.” A. No, thanks B. Yes, please C. I like to do nothing D. Orange juice, please 2. All of us enjoy ___ to classical music. A. listen B. listens C. listening D. listened 3. She worked very hard, ___she passed all her exams. A. because B. and C. so D. but 4. Hoa looks red. She was outdoors yesterday. Perhaps she has ___ A. flu B. sunburn C. spots D. stomachache 5. My family has decided to use ___ electricity by using more solar energy instead. A. more B. less C. much D. fewer
  5. 3. What your mother often (do) at weekends? 4. I think, in the future people (not play) individual games. 5. We find (arrange) flowers interesting because it (help) us relax. 6. I (not collect) . dolls when I grow up. III. Complete the passage with the words given bought competition singing there on English Mary’s hobby is singing. She enjoys (1) very much. When her brother (2) a karaoke set last month, Mary was so glad that she sang every day after dinner. She likes to sing only (3) songs. In fact, she has already sung all the songs found (4) the karaoke discs. Minh is singing in the karaoke (5) organized by the RC Center this Saturday. Her family is going (6) to support her. IV. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences by circling A, B, C or D 1. - do you find making pottery? – I finding making pottery interesting. A. What B. How C. Why D. Whe 2. Jenny two eggshells and he will continue the third one. A. carves B. has carved C. carved D. will carved 3. My father hates coffee. He prefers tea. A. to drink B. drink C. drinks D. drinking 4. I have a temperature, . . A. but I go to bed early B. so I feel tired C. or I am putting on weight D. and I eat more vegetables 5. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others? A. away B. answer C. sunburn D. picture 6. Which word has main stress differently from the others? A. volunteer B. charity C. melody D. calorie 7. Beethoven a lot of songs. A. composes B. composed C. has composed D. compose 8. Liz: I am so nervous thatI am putting on weight./ Tony: . A. Wash your hand more B. Eat less junk food C. Sleep more D. Sunbathe less 9. Jack spends almost his time staring at his smartphone, is very short-sighted. A. and B. or C. but D. so 10. My father loved . horse-riding when he was young. A. doing B. going C. playing D. taking 11. She feels itchy and her nose is running. She says she has . A. headache B. toothache C. allergy D. flu
  6. Huong/ be/ student/ class 7A/ Quang Trung school. Collect glass bottles/ be/ one of/ favorite hobbies. She/ start/ hobby/ when/ ten years old. She often/ share/ hobby/ sister. She/ find/ hobby/ interesting/ useful. She/ feel/ happy/ when/ look at/ beautiful flower vases/ make/ them. She/ continue/ hobby/ future/ because it/ help/ save/ environment. V. Use the words given to write a paragraph about Kien’s hobby. Kien/ be/ student/ class 7B/ Le Loi school. Play football/ be/ one of/ favorite hobbies. He/ start/ hobby/ when/ six years old. He often/ share/ hobby/ his friends. He/ find/ hobby/ interesting/ relaxing. He/ feel/ healthier/ when/ play football/ every day. He/ continue/ hobby/ future because it/ help/ keep fit. PRACTICE  PHONETICS I. Choose the word having different stress from the others. 1. A. harvest B. parade C. music D. pumpkin 2. A. offer B. prefer C. abroad D. arrive 3. A. famous B. joyful C. usual D. alone 4. A. exist B. avoid C. support D. notice 5. A. hungry B. disease C. spacious D. danger 6. A. favourite B. pollution C. imagine D. exhausted 7. A. energy B. plentiful C. disappear D. celebrate 8. A. recycle B. description C. contribute D. atmosphere II. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined 1. A. perform B. end C. festival D. elephant 2. A. cake B. celebrate C. racing D. candle 3. A. desert B. held C. prefer D. celebrate 4. A. those B. they C. than D. Thanksgiving 5. A. cranberry B. lantern C. gather D. apricot 6. A. abundant B. travelling C. character D. biogas 7. A. diverse B. drive C. invention D. crime 8. A. designs B. sails C. pedals D. pollutes  VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR I. Choose and circle the best answer. 1. Many (cultural/ romance/ disappointed/ annoyed) and artistic activities are held as the part of the flower festival in Da Lat. 2. Wind, hydro and solar are (modern/ renewable/ non-renewable/ new) energy sources. 3. Nick washes his hand a lot, (so/ and/ but/ although) he doesn’t have flu. 4. At a seasonal festival, people race down the hill to (break/ catch/ buy/ eat) cheese. 5. (When/ How/ Why/ Where) were you born? – In March 6. We will cut down on the use of natural gas because it is (plenty/ limited / available / abundant ) & harmful to the environment. 7. Some new energy-saving bulbs (will put /will be putting/will be put /will being put) in the dining-room. 8. Which of the following is NOT non-renewable source of energy ?
  7. I. Read the following passage and decide if it is T or F. Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, the world’s energy resources are limited. Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left. However, we also should use them economically and try to find out alternative sources of power. According to Professor Marvin Burnharm of the New England Institude of Technology, we have to start conserving coal, oil and gas before it is too late; and nuclear power is the only alternative. However, many people do not approve of using nuclear power because it’s very dangerous. What would happen if there was a serious nuclear accident? Radioactivity causes cancer and may badly affect the future generations. The most effective thing is that we should use natural resources as economical as possible. Statements T/ F 1. Natural resources will run out. 1 2. The world’s energy resources are unlimited. 2 3. We know exactly how much fuel is left. 3 4. We should use fuel economically. 4 5. According to Professor Marvin Burnham, nuclear power will be used as a 5 substitute for natural resources. 6. Many people disagree to use nuclear power as an alternative energy. 6 7. Radioactivity from nuclear power causes cancer and may have bad effect on 7 the future generations. 8. Natural resources should be used as economical as possible. 8 II. Read the passage then answer the questions. Vietnam’s New Year is celebrated according to the Lunar calendar. It is especially known as Tet Nguyen Dan, or Tet. It begins between January twenty- first and February nineteen. The exact date changes from year to year. Vietnamese people usually make preparations for the holiday several weeks beforehand. They tidy their houses, cook special food, clean and make offerings on the family altars. On the New Year’s Eve, people sit up to midnight to see New Year in, then they put on new clothes and give one another the greetings of the season. Tet lasts ten days. The first three days are the most important. Vietnamese people believe that how people act during those days will influence the whole year. As a result, they make every effort to avoid arguments and smile as much as possible. 1. What is Vietnam’s New Year known as? 2. Is Tet celebrated according to the Lunar calendar? → . 3. When does the Lunar New Year begin? 4. What do Vietnamese people usually do to prepare for Tet? 5. Do people sit up to midnight on the New Year’s Eve? → 6. Does Tet last five days? → 7. Why are the first three days the most important? III. Read the following passage, then choose a word from the box and write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. There is one exemple.
  8. 18. Does overpopulation cause a lot of social problems in this area? (CAUSES) 19. Jakarta doesn’t have as many skyscrapers as Shanghai. (MORE) 20. Let’s go to the school cafeteria. (ABOUT) III. Complete the following tag questions. 1. There’s a new cartoon, .? 2. They don’t want to sell their house, ? 3. This machine never works very well, ? 4. Your parents should stay in the hotel, ? 5. We can’t go camping today, ? * Change the sentences into the passive voice. 1.They will build a hydropower station in the North of the country next year. A hydropower station 2.They sell these chemicals everywhere in my hometown. These chemicals 3.My children will turn off the lights when going to bed. The lights III. Write a short passage about what we should do to save energy/ save environment/ festival/trafic/ favorite film/ travelling in the future