Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 6: The environment

1. _________ air is one of the many problems we have to solve.

A. Pure            

B. Polluted           

C. Dust       

D. Pleasant

2. I’ll be in trouble if I _________my passport.

A. lose             

B. will lose             

C. lost       

D. would lose

3. We can eat at home or, ________ you prefer, we can go to a restaurant.

A. when             

B. whether             

C. if         

D. which

4. If it is raining this evening, I_________.

A. will go out          

B. don’t go out           

C. go out         

D. won’t go out

5. Minh’s English is excellent. He speaks________.

A. perfectly English            

B. English perfectly

C. perfect English             

D. English perfect

6. I’m disappointed _________ people have spoiled this area.

A that               

B. when              

C. if         

D. how

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Nội dung text: Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 6: The environment

  1. C. feet D. legs 46. If you don’t study hard , you ___ the exam. A. failed B. will fail C. fail D. have failed 47. It is Saturday , ___? A. is it B. it isn’t C. isn’t it D. wasn’t it 48. She said that she ___ learning English with you. A. like B. liked C. liking D. to like 49. They ___ their home village last Sunday. A. visit B. visited C. was visiting D. were visiting 50. He was born ___ March 25 , 1992. A. at B. on C. in D. for IV. Match a line in column A with a line in column B to make a meaningful A B 1. If people use public transport, a. I can’t sleep. 2. You’ll learn English more easily b. will you give her flowers? 3. If they don’t give him the job, c. if he does exercise regularly. 4. If I drink coffee at night, d. I don’t know what he will do. 5. You will speak English well e. there will be less pollution 6. If you see her f. if someone enters the building. 7. The alarm goes off g. if you have more practice. 8. Henry may lose weight h. if you study a little every day. 1. ___; 2. ___; 3. ___; 4. ___; 5. ___; 6. ___; 7. ___; 8. ___. V. Complete the sentences with because/ as/ since/ if/ when, or so. 1. We decided to go out to eat ___ we had no food at home. 2. He has a very important job ___ he is particularly well-paid. 3. Can I borrow that book ___ you’ve finished it? 4. No one was watching the television ___ I switched it off. 5. ___ she changed a lot, we didn’t recognize her. 6. ___ you’ve ready, we can start now. 7. I’m going away for a few days, I’ll phone you ___ I get back. 8. You should inform the police ___ your bicycle is stolen. 9. Mathew went to bed ___ it was too late to go out.